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Allegra RMS

The dynamic RMS for any resources.

Control and coordinate all resources from a unique, clear and friendly platform.

Trusted by the world's largest airport companies

Built for the scale of the world's busiest airport operations
Keep everyone informed

Manage by exception

Optimally Allocate Fixed Resources

Gates, stands, checking, baggage belts, security lanes, etc.
All allocated based on the latest real-time information.

Optimally Allocate Workforce

Build rosters, skill based teams and allocate tasks in real-time.

Be Prepared

Simulate scenarios to be prepared and build the most resilient allocations.

As Fast Operations Need It

An ultra-fast scalable engine allows you to reach optimal solutions in seconds.

Continuous Optimisation

Optimize allocations continuously based on every new data element - in real time.

Manage by Exception

Rely on automatic allocation and manage manually when desired.

Keep Everyone Informed

Leverage the power of the mobile platform to distribute allocation plans and tasks in real time.

Save Costs

Get mathematically proven optimal allocation of fixed assets and workforce.

Seamless Data Integration

Bidirectional data exchange with all airport critical systems.
Automatic data updates in real-time.

Cloud-based Architecture

System upgrades on the run with no impact to users.
Access from anywhere, on any device.

AirportLabs Ecosystem

One product suite to manage all your airport's needs.

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